YITH WooCommerce Ajax Search



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Make sure that they find what they are looking for. And even more.

YITH WooCommerce Ajax Search allows users to search for products in your shop/website, and it shows the search results in real time.

The search bar is the most common and important tool for any type of website but it’s often not performing enough, it only shows a limited amount of products and it’s slow and hard to use.

Given that’s the landmark for all of the customers that are going to find themselves navigating through your website, you have to make sure you are offering a professional tool that actually helps the navigation, in order to quickly lead your customers towards the product they are after (research says users spend an average of 15 seconds on any website, so hurry up!)

Who works on designing websites knows it well: the most important studies in usability can teach many things about the effectiveness of a search form. In this case, “effectiveness” means the ability to turn a visitor — even a casual one — into a buyer, generating a purchase.

Let’s make an example: today five users will visit your site. Three of them will use the search form on the page, looking for a product. You only have seven seconds to give these users what they want, before they decide to leave your site and search somewhere else.

The features of a great search form are those that make all the catalogue products easy and quick to find, thanks to an immediate search that also allows using tags, categories, and product codes to look for a product.
Plus, great features are also those who transform the search in a marketing tool, letting you show a product preview that perfectly suits to users’ needs, or highlight particular discounts and promotions in the search results.

Researches on customers of online stores show that one of the main reasons that brings customers to abandon their cart before completing the purchase is the difficulty navigating through a website.

We are so used to search bars that we require them to be immediate and promptly provide us with what we are after. Consider Google and Facebook: we use their search bars every day and we take them for granted, but what if they suddenly stopped working and showed no results? Or maybe they would display unrelated results, wouldn’t we be disappointed?

The same things happens in your store in case you don’t have an optimized search bar, and it’s never a good idea to disappoint our customers.


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Manually installing a WordPress plugin from a .zip file is a straightforward process. Here’s a quick guide to help you do it:

Download the Plugin from Plugento.com:
After purchasing the plugin from plugento.com, you will receive a download link or access to your account dashboard. Log in to plugento.com and navigate to your account section, where you can find the option to download the purchased plugin. Simply download the plugin file to your computer.

Log in to Your WordPress Admin Dashboard:
Log in to your WordPress website using your administrator account.

Navigate to the Plugins Section:
In the left-hand menu, click on “Plugins.” This will take you to the Plugins page.

Click “Add New”:
At the top of the Plugins page, you’ll see an “Add New” button. Click on it.

Upload the Plugin:
You’ll be taken to the “Add Plugins” page. Here, you have several options, but you want to upload a plugin. Click on the “Upload Plugin” button.

Choose File:
Click the “Choose File” button to select the .zip file you downloaded earlier from your computer.

Upload and Install:
After selecting the .zip file, click the “Install Now” button. WordPress will upload and install the plugin for you.

Activate the Plugin:
Once the installation is complete, you will be prompted to activate the plugin. Click the “Activate Plugin” link to activate it.

Configure the Plugin:
Depending on the plugin, you may need to configure its settings. This can usually be done from the plugin’s settings page, which you can find in the left-hand menu or under the “Plugins” section.

Verify the Plugin is Working:
Test the plugin on your website to ensure it’s functioning as expected.

That’s it! You’ve successfully installed and activated a WordPress plugin from a .zip file!